Fast Laughs, Slow Burn

Netflix launches Fast Laughs in its continued effort to improve content discovery

Shubhi Goel
2 min readApr 6, 2022
Photo by Thibault Penin on Unsplash

Netflix is ready to take content discovery to the next level with its new feature, Fast Laughs. It’s exactly like it sounds — a compilation of funny bits from shows and movies on the platform. But it’s not exactly a new concept.

Youtube compilations of “10 funniest <insert your favorite series>” have existed and doubtless, you have fallen down this rabbit hole at least once. And that is what makes it a great content discovery strategy. Whether it is to rediscover old favorites or chance upon new ones, these compilations are addictive and highly shareable. But the aim of this feature is not to aid sharing of content, but to increase your watchtimes further. Hence, there are options to save the content to your watchlist, or directly start watching it right now.

Here’s a trailer for the feature made by ChortleUK.

Trailer for Fast Laughs and how it’s helping you discover new content

How does discovery happen?

On mobile, the placement of the feature is at the bottom, mimicking 5-second video platforms such as Tiktok and Instagram reels.

On TV however, it will appear somewhere between row 6–12 of the homescreen. Why? Because that’s how they know you are looking for something to watch.


On mobile, the videos are swipeable in a vertical video feed, with buttons to share, save or react to the content stacked to the right — just like Tiktok for an audience whose thumbs are used to swiping up for more. On TV, you can click right on your remote to swipe through videos.

Key replicable insights

  • It’s always easier and more fruitful to assimilate into the existing cultural and consumer trends rather than shaping new habits.
  • Define your industry by the key benefit you provide to your customers. In Netflix’s case, that would be defining themselves not as an OTT content platform but as an entertainment platform.



Shubhi Goel
Shubhi Goel

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